Friday, September 20, 2013

The Skin I'm In

       This part  of the story talks about how maleeka stared being friends with Char and how she knows John-John.How she likes a boy and how she thinks thats he is so cute and she wants to talk to him so bad but dont know how to tell him that she like him at all. she never even talk to him because she dont know what to say. Char dont even know that she like him nobody does.        I had a boy that i like but did not know how to talk to him our nothing. when he came bey me i did not know what to do or say . then i told him that i like him and he liked me too so i was so happy that he liked me too we then want out. 

   The Quote Pg:17
 " Malcolm is fine. He's got long,straight hair.Skin the color of a butterscotch milkshake. Gray, sad eyes, hes half and half got a white  daddy and black momma.He's lucky. He looks more like his dad than he's mom."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Skin I'm In

I read about how people make fun of her. This part talks about how she first meet Char. She first meet her at school people was talking about her and calling her names talking about what she had on because of this boy that she want out with when they was going to D.C with they school . On they way to D.C Maleeka was sitting with her boy friend and every one stared singing and talking about her in a bad way her boyfriend was just stinging there and not saying nothing he then said sorry to her and said its over and want up where his friends where at they all was happy that he did that.Then a coupe of weeks after that she sated talking to Char which gave her clothes and Maleeka did Char homework and thangs her hang with her because nobody talk about her anymore or nothing when she sated talking to her.
              My story is something like that but i talk about some one else and it made them cry. Then they sated talking to the bigger kids so i did not say nothing else to them but sorry because i felt bad what i had done to that little girl.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Skin I'm In

The next part I'm reading is about her getting a new teacher named Miss.sunders. she is a nice teacher. she tells her that is is cute she helps her when she is down or going though it.

The Skin I'm In

The skin I'm in is about a little girl who  goes though a lot of things in life. This girl gets talk about because of  what she looks like what she  have on. so she sated talking to this girl named char and  char gives Maleeka some clothes every day to put on and then one day char was being funny and told maleeka to take off all her clothes in font of every body and she did it. This boy name John-John talkes about her bad he even got a song for her.